During the summer, a majority of homeowners are trapped in a repetitive struggle with the thermostat. On one side of the spectrum is the attempt to keep the thermostat set as high as possible in an effort to save on utility costs. But then again, it sure is preferable to feel cool when the temperature outside consistently increases to hazardous levels.
In different ways, thermostat balance is a year-round problem because energy efficiency and comfort have to be addressed in cold weather as well. A good way to decrease heating and cooling bills but also feel cool throughout the summer is with a programmable thermostat—a cost-effective, easily installed appliance that offers multiple benefits. Here are a few listed below.
One of the most frustrating wastes of energy is when the air conditioner is set low at times when it’s not necessary like when people are at work, in the yard or when they are fast asleep. Most people are diligent about switching the A/C off when they leave for long stretches of time, but a programmable thermostat minimizes any risk of forgetfulness and automatically adjusts to a milder temperature at off-peak times.
In general one of the frustrating things about turning the air conditioner off for the day when you leave is that you return to a hot and stuffy house. A programmable thermostat can be directed to reduce the temperature in the house around 30 minutes before you reach home so that you come home to a cool, comfortable environment.
Programmable thermostats truly are a “set it and forget it” appliance as many of them have options for either 7-day (different times for each day), 5 + 2 (weekday and weekend settings) and 5-1-1 (weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays) schedules. In addition to the touchscreen technology thermostats are fairly easy to program and they can be installed perfectly by a qualified HVAC technician. Modern programmable thermostats can even be connected to your smartphone and provide total control over your home comfort wherever you are, day or night.
The most basic programmable thermostats go for around $20 and usually require less than an hour of labor to be installed. Plus, whatever the initial investment is can be recouped rather soon with the 10%30% reduction in energy bills that the programmable thermostats can offer.
If anything, the installation of a programmable thermostat is the first direction in optimizing the efficiency of a home. Projects that follow can include sealing up any gaps around doors, upgrading windows and bolstering wall insulation. It’s not beyond the realm of possibilities to save 50% from what you’re paying in heating and cooling bills now and all that is lost profits the more time that’s wasted.
So to sum up, if you don’t already have one, buy a programmable thermostat today!
Some popular thermostats to choose from: